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Today was a whirlwind of gears and circuits! My day started with a double shot of espresso and a determined mindset to conquer the world of engineering. The morning lecture on quantum mechanics left my brain feeling both electrified and bewildered – Schrödinger's cat definitely has more than nine lives in my mind right now. The highlight of the day was the lab session where we dabbled in soldering components onto a PCB.

My shaky hands turned a simple LED circuit into a modern art masterpiece, but hey, it lit up! In the midst of it all, I found a new appreciation for my calculator – it's become my sidekick in this battle against complex equations. As the sun set, I retreated to my fortress of textbooks and online resources, ready to dive into the mysteries of thermodynamics. I'll conquer these subjects one equation at a time, just you wait.
Made with ❤️ by Ashish